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All-On-4® Dental Implants Adelaide

Complete smile reconstructions with All-On-4® & All-On-X implant surgery in Adelaide by Dr Andrew Chan- MD BDS FRACDS.

Planned over several months. Delivered in 48 hours


& fixed

replacement of

all teeth

Bespoke fabrication

 locally in Adelaide

All-On-4® Dental Implants Adelaide

Planned over several months. Delivered in 48 hours

Carefully planned over 3-4 appointments

Assessment of appropriateness & discussion of all available treatment pathways.


Secondary consult to confirm All-On-4 treatment pathway & initiation of smile design.


Final formal informed consent &  secondary data collection.


Confirmation of smile design with 'trial smile'. Initiation of 3D printed surgical guide design & fabrication.

Delivered in 48 hours

Day 1 AM: Surgery under general anaesthesia in accredited Day Surgery. Placement of 4-6 dental implants using 3D printed Surgical Guide

Day 1 PM: Insertion of trial All-On-4 implant bridge. Assessment of smile, bite, speech, vertical dimension and soft tissue support

Day 2 PM: insertion of final All-On-4 implant bridge

We carefully design & plan the position of teeth & smile first. We plan the position of the dental implants second.

Creating bespoke smiles for each patients facial features, personlity, age & porsonal preferences.

Meticulous Digital Planning

All-on-4® Dental Implants Adelaide

We meticulously plan, design, and fabricate all of our prosthetically driven and surgically determined All-On-X Guides in-house using state-of-the-art CAD software, in-house 3D printers and techniques developed by Dr Andrew Chan.

All On 4 Dental Implant Surgical Planning

We are the only Adelaide All-On-4 practice that is also a provider of All-On-4 Guides

Dr Andrew Chan founded & runs All-On-X Guides, a dental lab that plans, designs and fabricates prosthetically driven and surgically determined All-On-4 surgical guides, & helps practices all over Australia plan All-On-4 surgery.

3D Printed All On 4 Surgical Guide

All-On-4® Dental Implants Adelaide

Life-long maintenance program. Our commitment to long-term success.

We partner with our All-On-4 patients long-term to facilitate life-long success

All of our All-On-4 patients immediate post operative reviews on day 2, and at 2 weeks, 4 weeks and 4 months.

All of our All-On-4 patients recieve education and support on how to clean and maintain their All-On-4 implants and bridges long-term.

Life-long regular reviews & maintenance

All of our All-On-4 patients are reviewed at least once every 12 months indefinately. Our All-On-4 dental implants and implant bridges are assessed clinically and radiographically.

Oral hygiene assessment, feedback, re-education and reinforcement is carried out at every interaction.


All-on-4® Dental Implants Adelaide



The only medically and dentally trained All-On-4 surgeon in Adelaide offering a complete and comprehensive All-On-4 service: planning & smile design, in-house surgical guide design fabrication, surgery & implant placement, prosthetic bridge delivery and long-term maintenance. 



Of Dental Surgery

University of Adelaide

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Doctor of Medicine

Flinders University
South Australia





All-on-4® Dental Implants ADELAIDE


All-On-4, and All-On-X implant bridges are an alternative to full dentures.

Unlike dentures, implant bridges are permanent. And they are not removable.

All-On-4 and All-On-X implant bridges are superior to dentures in many ways. They are generally better tolerated, more functional, more comfortable, stronger, and easier to eat with.

All-On-4  and All-On-X implant bridges closely resemble natural teeth in appearance and function.

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Customised All-On-4® & All-On-X Full Mouth Implant Bridges

At Adelaide Tooth Removals & Dental Implants each implant bridge is carefully planned over several months. Each All-On-4 or All-On-X bridge is uniquely designed to suit each individual patient.


Make an appointment today to see if an All-On-4®or All-On-X full implant bridge is the right solution for you.

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Biocare ™

All-on-4® Dental Implants ADELAIDE

Nobel Biocare pioneered the All-On-4 concept in the 1990's, and trademarked the term "All-On-4" in 2010.

The term All-On-4® is now often used to describe any full mouth implant bridge.

An All-On-4® dental implant bridges replace all the teeth in a jaw using 4 dental implants.

 All-On-X dental implant bridges replace all the teeth in a jaw using 5 or 6 dental imp[ants

Caring For & Cleaning your All-On-4 Implant Bridge 

All-On-4 & All-On-X implant bridges require excellent oral hygiene to be successfully maintained over a lifetime.

At Adelaide Tooth Removals we will empower you to maintain your All-On-4 or All-On-X implant bridge.

Long term
Biocare ™

At Adelaide Tooth Removals we will empower you to maintain your All-On-4 or All-On-X implant bridge.

Step 1

Brush your new bridge twice a day with a soft toothbrush with any toothpaste of you choice

Step 2
Tuft Brush

Use a 'tuft brush' twice a day to clean under the edges of your All-On-4 implant bridge


A waterpik is like very small water pistol.

It is used to spray debris out from under your all-On-4 bridge.

Use a waterpik twice a day. We recommend you use your waterpik in the shower as it can be quite messy.

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